Friday, February 24, 2012

1st Beta

Wow, im finally able to post..blogger has been naughty to me and not letting me post here or on other blogs..grrr. But the glitch seems to be fixed now! yay

I got my first beta yesterday at 15dpo..125. Im happy with that..the last pregnancy was at 110 on day 16. I know the number isn't supposed to mean much..but im happy to have a higher number than last time.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Top is the SMU 2 hour hold at 9dpt, then under that is the same day with a 4 hour hold, then the frer FMU at 11dpt. I believe a baby will be born to us around Nov!! OMG..Im thrilled to bits! Ive never had so many symptoms so early before..nausea has been my constant companion these last few days..not complaining at all..i worry if it goes away!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

9dpt..I tested

9 days past transfer..11dpo..i gave in and tested. The test i used is an IC and its expiration date is feb 1st. I used SMU with only a 2 hour hold...theres a super faint pink line on it..i could see it within the 5 minute timeframe. OMG..even though Ive felt i was preggers with the high temps..its soo amazing to see it confirmed..i have evap doubts..and the test was just past its expiration..but ive used about 40 tests from this batch and never had an think im up the duff!!

i have one more IC left and 2 frers..i'll use the other IC later today and then the frer on tuesday and wed..then blood test on Friday!!

actually..i realised i had a 4 hour hold and just took the other IC..the line is darker and easy to see!! BFP!!!!

Saturday, February 18, 2012


well I made it through the first week of the 2 week wait! I know next week will just drag..ahh well I know we will get there eventually.

Today i have felt nauseas most of the day and have had indigestion in the evening. is it weird that im excited to have  I have also had a few mild belly cramps.
 Last night i went to bed at midnight, read til almost 1am then went to sleep..woke when i thought it was morning only to find it was whoops..then woke at 7.30am..i had to start work at i just got up..i have been tired, but i think lack of sleep is the real reason for it!

my temperature chart is looking good..its been steadily usually all over the place..i usually get a peak temp on cd 22 of about 36.70C..i usually get it for one day only..the last 3 days have all been above 36.70C..

So personally, I feel like I will be getting a BFP..i will test on wednesday which will be 13dpo....ok i will probably test before then..but right now.i aim for wednesday. I worry about getting another chemical..or having another MC, but I try to remember what my friend told me..God knows what you want, don't worry about it anymore and leave it to him.

Can't wait to have some pee sticks to show you!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Just a quick update..I think it has worked..I woke up at 3am to pee and found myself to be very sweaty..I never wake at  stupid hours of the morning to pee except the 2 times ive been pregnant!! Same with waking up sweating!!
Also last night at work i felt a bit queasy a few times..and again today.. Oh come on baby..I know youre there, please stick around this time!!

Monday, February 13, 2012


Hmm, im not 100% sure if my title is embryos were 3 day embies, but they transferred them 2 days past O instead of 3..and then the emby went from 7 cell down to 4 cell after its like its back to 2 don't know..its 3 days after transfer

The doctor who put the  emby in is the same one who did the transfer last time. My doctor was away, so i got the on call guy. Hes a nice enough bloke, but OMG, he clearly has no idea about how to be gentle with that speculum thing..just shoved it right in..owchy.  so he's being rough like that, the nurse is pressing down on my full bladder to see with the ultrasound..wasn't at all plesant for a good 10 minutes there..ugh..but we could see the embryo go in this time..most other transfers theyve said there it is..and we can't see what theyre on about..but this time it was super clear. A little white blob. Then it was up and at em..for the 2 hour drive home. I like to think that the vibration of the car will shake the emby into regenerating itself and start to sink into my lining. It ended up taking us 5 hours to get home as we stopped for lunch at my brother's place, stopped for some art supplies, stopped to buy DH some bike pants and stopped to visit a friend who just moved house. then once home i lazed about the rest of the day.

mostly ive been lazing about, but have got up to cook and to vaccum the im doing half bedrest and half carry on as normal. Im not doing any exercise other than walking for the 2ww, so zumba is out and the gym..i will go back after i know the results..from research ive done, you can carry on with zumba when pregnant, but modify your steps and don't get exhausted..i can do that!

3 day past transfer symptoms: none really. i had a bit of pink/tan cm this morning, but after the doctors rough handling, i did spot for 24 hours, so it could just be a bit of leftover prefer it to be implant spotting, but its probably too early for that. Ive felt little twinges in my belly, yesterday they were up near my belly button, which is too high to be anything i guess..but it was im including it. Also this morning was mild nausea and mildly sore nipples..but again, too early to be anything relating to a baby yet. Probably just progesterone symptoms. <a href="">My Ovulation Chart</a> My chart temps have gone up in a steady rise, which is nice, but again..too early to mean in symptoms yet.